Page 4 - REPORT Brinkman 1-MAY EDU Roundtable
P. 4

Selection 1: We need to improve in STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
               The ideas from the group included:

                Possible Action                                Possible way to measure effectiveness
                Encourage students to view STEM as viable
                interest areas for their future.
                Recruit and pay STEM teachers more.
                Begin STEM classes in primary grades.          Hands on interactive and engaging curriculum.
                Programs to train teachers (ex: more into college   More STEM teachers.
                teacher programs for STEM).
                Provide college scholarships based on STEM.
                Integrate real-world science and tech into STEM
                (factories, museums, etc.).  Foster business
                Offer more summer STEM type camps (at
                universities for 7-12?).
                Have STEM tracks in high school.
                Require technology credits for HS graduation.
                Add standards for STEM.
                Use title IV to get federal funding.  Use title II to
                train teachers.

                Pay teachers more.
                Add more science experiments.

               The group highlighted these as the most interesting from the points above:

                   •  Start STEM in primary grades.
                   •  Introduce some summer programs in STEM.
                   •  Establish business partnerships.
                   •  Use ESSA Title IV and Title II to obtain funding for STEM.

               Of the ideas put forward, there is some analysis (and perspective from Rep. Brinkman):

                   •  Rep. Brinkman will look into the plan for STEM in primary grades.
                   •  He will look into to what degree the state university system offers summer programs.
                   •  He will get information on the state approach to maximize our share of Title IV and Title II funds.

               Selection 2: We need to address Standardized Testing
               The ideas from the group included:

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