Page 1 - REPORT Brinkman 1-MAY EDU Roundtable
P. 1

Town Hall (May 1, Anderson Library) – Hosted by INDIVISIBLE 02

            What follows is a summary of the full meeting.  At the end of this document you will find additional questions
            that were written but not addressed in the session.
               •  Welcome and introductions (Martha Bonvillian, Indivisible 02)
                       o  Thanked Mr. Brinkman for participating and thanked the audience.  Set a positive tone
                          around Rep. Brinkman hearing the people and finding points of collaboration
               •  Remarks from Rep. Brinkman
                       o  Thanked people and noted his recent constituent survey and the top areas of concern it

               •  Remarks from the moderator (Chris Hicks)
                       o  Pointed out that we will ask some electronic polling questions during the event using small
                          keypads.  Noted that he came up with the questions and answers, that Martha had a chance
                          to review.  Chris offered apologies in advance if the options were not perfect.
                       o  Put forth the topic flow that had been agreed:
                                For each topic, we will have 1 electronic question at the start.
                                Rep. Brinkman will speak for 1-3 minutes on the topic.
                                There will be one question from Nancy O., Nancy B., Ruth or Gretchen.
                                Then we will take questions from the audience.
                                At the end of each topic we will have a closing electronic question.

            Topical Area Discussions

            These were noted as areas to address within the agenda:

               •  Charter Schools and Public School
               •  Workforce skills / vocational options
               •  Vouchers / choice

            The opening electronic question (and result) was as follows:

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